Examples of MODAL popups and System Controls
with the overlibmws DHTML Popup Library
maintained by Foteos Macrides at Macrides Web Services
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Pop Me!!!
Pop Me Too!!!
Pop Me Three!!!
Click in the scene and drag.
Pop Me Four!!!
Select Box:
The flash movie (above) has been invoked in windowless mode by setting the wmode parameter to "transparent" in the param and embed tags of the object element for the flash movie.  This prevents the flash movie from obscuring the popup for the supported browsers if they have a reasonably current version of flash.  We also import overlibmws_iframe.js to use an iframe shim (as opposed to iframe content) for some browsers and platforms which do not support the wmode setting.  The popup is MODAL, and we use the HIDEBYIDALL command for the applet and QuickTime movie to hide those two objects when the document is in the MODAL state (see below).  The MODAL state automatically hides select boxes for any older browser versions which handle them as system controls, so there is no need to include the HIDESELECTBOXES command for any of the MODAL popups in this document.

The applet (above) uses java (not javascript) which does not support wmode settings, as is also the case for QuickTime movies, such as the QuickTime Virtual Reality (QTVR) movie (above).  The iframe shim via overlibmws_iframe.js would prevent obscuring of popups by applets or QuickTime movies for IE v5.5 or higher.  However, the popups associated with the applet and QuickTime movie, like that for the flash (see above), are MODAL, and neither applets nor QuickTime movies are blocked by the associated MODAL shield for browsers other than IE v5.5 or higher.  We therefore use the HIDEBYIDALL command to hide the applet and QuickTime move for all four of the MODAL popups.

Note that including so many embedded objects in the same document can be excessively taxing with some browsers.  For example, with IE the applet can become vulnerable to smearing if the document is scrolled quickly, and with Firefox the applet and QuickTime movie may become slow to hide or display when the MODAL block is being initiated or terminated.  Also note that the imposition of a bullet cursor by the QuickTime Virtual Reality movie when the mouse overlies it can bleed through the MODAL block and any overlying popup, but the movie nonetheless is prevented from panning its scene if a click and drag operation is attempted over the area of the underlying, blocked and hidden movie.  Furthermore, all four of the MODAL popups have been invoked with the DRAGGABLE command included, and though you can see competition for the cursor style if a popup is dragged over that area, the dragging is restricted to the popup.
Use your browser's View Source option to see the markup for these examples.
Go to examples for confirm dialogs, form fields, and frame documents.

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